Monday, November 25, 2002

Welcome to The Talent Management Blog!

Do we really need another opinion on this? I don't know, nor do I care. I do know I am hoping to accomplish a few things with my little website:

1) Publish my ideas and thoughts in order to refine them for some other medium. A blog is a journal, and I hope that this on-line journal, with some feedback from anyone bored enough to read it, will steer me in a direction with my content that is interesting enough to do something truly meaningful with it.

2) Expose what I call the "Talent Myth". The analysts, the technology vendors, the writers, the think tanks, the HR "thought leaders", the web-site pundits... I believe that they all have it slightly wrong and if a little honesty and some of my opinion gets one or two people to stop and think about things differently I'll be incredibly happy.

3) Help someone. I've learned a lot over the last 15 years. I've been a recruiter, a staffing manager, a consultant, executive, sales person, deal maker, and more. If I can pass on anything that helps anyone out there it will make me feel good.

4) Learn something. I've already learned something in publishing this site, if anyone cares to give me any feedback at all it will make this all worthwhile.

Well, those are my goals. In acheiving my goals I promise to be honest, direct, forthright, and to speak my mind and hold nothing back. If you give me any feedback, I promise to consider it very seriously, I will also reply to you if you request it.

So there it is: my first post.

If you have any feedback please email it to me at

Look for my next post very soon.